
Energy Use
Energy use at our production system level doesn’t emit direct air emissions. We minimize our energy consumption by avoiding heating during our production processes, which are powered by electricity.
We take pride in being supplied by electricity coming at 100% from European hydropower, and we aim to do better in the near future by switching to renewable electricity from wind and solar energy. In 2020, the total quantity of electricity use at facility level was 98.77 MWh.
We use natural gas to heat our manufacturing facility, which can be accountable for approximately 50 tCO2e* of total indirect emissions per year.
*This is an estimation made using an emission factor (tCO2e/unit of fuel)
Managing our water consumption is a priority for us, as water is a great part of our business activities, thus we try to reduce our environmental impact. To do so, we have invested in a rainwater harvesting system, which we recently extended thanks to our facility expansion.
In 2020, 1855m³ of rainwater was collected from our roof representing 55% of our total water consumption, meaning less than half (1490m³) was withdrawn from municipal supply for the making of our products. Due to our water closed loop system, we do not release contaminated water to the wastewater treatment during production phase.
Water used for sanitation is withdrawn from municipal supply and represents 339m³, which is then discharged to the communal wastewater treatment plant.
The baseline water stress risk for our manufacturing site in Bissen is “medium-high” as per WRI Aqueduct Water Risk Atlas, where the major water basin is the Rhine.
Water consumption
Social Fairness
At FLOWEY®, we are concerned about our social impact, and we care for our people. At our facility level, it is important for us that our employees are heard and feel free to voice any concern they might have. The treatment of such concern is guarantee by internal procedures, which are guided by our Human Rights Policy.
At the supplier level, our supplier code of conduct focuses on ethical sourcing aspects such as compliance with national laws and regulations, human rights, workplace health and security as well as discrimination and diversity.
We care about all of our stakeholders, who can ascend concerns and feedback on social aspects, through our grievance form.
Once filled, it must be sent to the following mail address or postal address “Human resource department, 2, ZAC Klengbousbierg, L-7795 Bissen Luxembourg”, where your grievance will be addressed as soon as possible. We strive to solve this type of problem by favouring dialogue. Remedies will be offered on a case-by-case basis. People using this procedure are protected through our non-retaliation policy, available on request
To support our evolution on social equity, we work to ensure healthy and fair practices within our company. Our company brings together employees of many different nationalities and cultures. It is therefore important for Flowey® to raise awareness on the issue of diversity and living together, with particular emphasis on gender equality. Training on the theme of diversity, equity and inclusion is planned for the year 2023.
Risk control on our production site is a priority. We ensure the continuous training of our employees for a better knowledge of chemical risks. This translates into training and simplified risk identification tools in our production system. As data on work accidents are indicators of our risk management, they are recorded and evaluated each year. Corrective and/or preventive actions are then put in place to avoid recurrences.
We also act for the safety of users by offering training to all our professional customers on the appropriate use of our products. These training courses systematically include a reminder of good practices for handling chemicals (reading the dangers, use of appropriate protective equipment, correct dosage to limit the impact on the environment, etc.). In addition, our technical support is always available in case of questions about our products.
Number of suppliers by country of purchase
These calculations are made by taking all direct suppliers/distributors as well as final manufacturing suppliers. Only raw materials and packaging suppliers are considered.